About Elder Pathways
The demands of care for your loved one can be stressful and time consuming.
Elder Pathways is a network of Aging Life Care resources and services offered by Marcie Dimenstein, LCSW.
Marcie will assist your family in finding better and more efficient and cost-effective ways of providing care for a loved one. The concept is simple, the family hires a Life Care professional adviser to act as a guide through the maze of long-term care services and providers. Her knowledge of resources and financial programs will help you find what you need when you need it.
The demands of care for your loved one can be stressful and time consuming.
“I will get you on the right track to provide help for your elder. You will have some room to breathe, I can provide as much or as little support as your family needs,” says Marcie.
“The services of Elder Pathways will save you time and money. I pull together and coordinate teams to meet each person’s needs: Families, Personal Care Attendants, Financial Planners, Elder Attorneys, Insurance Providers, Nurses and Physicians. Most families have found that the cost of a care manager will pay for itself due to savings gained from knowledge of helpful resources and financial programs. Care manager services can also greatly reduce family and caregiver stress and help eliminate family disputes and disagreements and allow you to continue to enjoy the time you have with your loved one.”
Some services are covered by insurances including Long Term Care Insurance.
How Do You Know That You Need Elder Pathways?
When caregiving for an aging family member becomes overwhelming, it may be time to contact Elder Pathways. If you are alone and aging and have no family supports to assist you (Elder Orphan), you may need to consult with an Aging Care Professional such as Elder Pathways..
Elder Pathways can help if you or a member of your family:
has multiple medical or psychological issues
is unable to live safely in their current environment
is not pleased with current care providers and requires advocacy
is confused about their own financial and/or legal situation
has limited or no family support
Or if your family:
has just become involved with helping the individual and needs direction about available services
is either “burned out” or confused about care solutions
has limited time and/or expertise in dealing with the individual’s chronic care needs and does not live close by
is at odds regarding care decisions
needs education and/or direction in dealing with behaviors associated with dementia
Elder Pathways has no emotional connections or complicated family history to overcome. Their objectivity is valuable when it comes to navigating tough family conversations Aging Life Care managers have no emotional connections or complicated family history to overcome. Their objectivity is valuable when it comes to navigating tough family conversations about the future of a senior loved one.
Concierge Service
The demands of care for your loved one can be stressful, time consuming, and expensive. Elder Pathways services are modeled after that of a Concierge. While we can't get a table at a restaurant or the latest theatre tickets, we do offer our senior loved ones the opportunity to live the way that best suits them. Whether it is living in their own homes with assistance or downsizing into an apartment or assistive living center we are designed to alleviate a senior's stress, risks, and burdens. Services are personalized and discussed. For some it is a combination that comes out of the family's needs and how much time they are available. Services are personalized and discussed.
What are the services and how much time will it take?
Each person has a different set of needs and those needs are how we identify the scope of services for you. Some clients work with Marcie for an extended period - she takes them to the doctor's, coordinates aides, and ensures that their health and spirit are taken care of ongoingly. Some clients hire her to assess and refer the person so it is done within a month. For some it is a combination that comes out of the family's needs and how much time they are available.